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During the 45th term later he wrote a letter to the alma mater at the instruction of Yamashita then Mizuno while he was in a marine school, and this was posted on the school. Yamashita who heard this story from Yamamori smiled loudly. Yamamori recalls that this letter encouraged the invasion of Marine volunteers since the 46th term continued to advance to the naval base. Yamashita of the fleet faction,, of the treaty faction, is a member. 1. "Popular Personnel Records Tokyo Hen", "Tomohiko Yamashita" 2.

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When I taught advanced studio courses, I often introduced my students first to Allan Kaprow's The Education of the Un Artist from his Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life. Because I believe that a successful undergraduate education in visual art is one that prepares students to first be responsible participants in the world in life and then be responsible participants in the art world. A moment of special significance in my own art education was when I performed the Fluxus piece "Newspaper Music" with Alison Knowles during her residency at the Radcliffe Institute. Reflecting on the Fluxus ideology of going out of art and into life has liberated my own practice in many ways. After all, both making art and making life are lifelong pursuits. 5. They would see only what they see but never dream of making thing bigger. 6. They dont have a positive thinking. They are feared of taking chances!7. They like to blame others when thing doesnt become as what they thought of or they try to change their motion without caring or any responsibility.

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